Friday, September 2, 2011

I've Got The Blues. . . and I'm So Happy!

It's September.  The time when I start feeling a little draggy, a little less energetic, a little more sleepy.  Sunshine does alot of for me, and, like chickens who don't produce as many eggs in the waning daylight hours of fall, I too tend to be less productive. (Yes, I honestly did just compare myself to a chicken!)

Or, at least, it's harder to get into the groove in the mornings when burrowing under the covers until the sun is a bit higher and brighter sounds much more appealing.

The blues?  Well, sorta.  Some may pooh-pooh Seasonal Affectedness Disorder--you know, that thing acronymed SAD, that is the official name for "I'm solar powered and my batteries aren't nearly as charged up in the fall and winter as they are in spring and summer".  DH is one of those naysayers.  I don't like labels, but I realized years ago (before there was a fancy sounding name and a medical 'condition') that in June I am a holy terror of energy who can go all out for 18 hours a day and be perfectly rejuvenated on 6 hours of sleep or less , but in September I start feeling sleepier and sleepier.  A 10 hour day sounds like hard work.  10 hours of sleep sounds like the answer to all life's problems.

This time of year I'm no less busy, but especially on cloudy days I consciously look for things to perk myself up.  Not talking about caffeine here!  The only form of caffeine I use is chocolate, LOL.  No coffee, no energy drinks, no mocha lattes.  Nope, I'm looking for sunshine in other forms.

And here's what I found most recently:  my morning glories are finally blooming!  The vines are abundant this year, the tallest they've ever grown. They reach about 20 feet up the front of the house. Maybe that's why I'm just now getting blooms--the plants were putting all their energy into vines and leaves and they put off making flowers until now.

I love the heavenly blue of a morning glory.  It reminds me of a cloudless summer sky.  It perks me up just to see the cerulean petals.

I've got the blues. . . and I'm so happy!

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