Friday, November 4, 2011

Things I've Learned. . .

Today is DS1's 22nd birthday.  I cannot believe it was that long ago that I became a mother.  Then again, I can barely remember life before motherhood.

In honor of his birthday, I thought I would share some of the wisdom I have gained through the journey of raising him.

1. The methods I learned for training horses work on children too (despite what horrified people will tell you when you share this info with them!):  Patience, repetition, and be quick to discipline obvious willful disobedience.

2. Charming smiles mask devilish deeds.

3. Mommies who nap longer than toddlers better be prepared to clean up huge messes!

4. Six year old boys are beyond comprehension. They are not mentally or emotionally stunted, they are not abnormally hyperactive, they are not deaf combined with extreme vocal volume, they are just six year old boys.

5.   Before the age of about eight, a long period of quiet from your child is something to be feared--they are up to something most likely not good.

6. Any twelve year old boy acting up in public will immediately stop if you insist on holding his hand for the remainder of the shopping trip.  This is his penance for being disrespectful to you.  Most likely you will only have to do this with him once. He will remember.

7. Teenage boys, while trying to make a show of being manly and wanting to protect their mothers, still like hugs and kisses from said mothers.  Just not in front of other people. Except at their high school graduation.  Then it's okay. But only one hug and skip the kiss.  A handshake from Dad is appropriate, save the hug.

8. Grown up sons carry their mothers in their hearts, just like mothers carry their grown up sons.  No matter how far away their lives take them (and especially on military deployment), Mom is always with them.

Happy Birthday, my son.  It has been an amazing journey being your Mom for the past twenty-two years.  I am who I am, partly because of you.

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