Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just a Few Pictures

Cows out!
The other day I was leaving home and about 1/8 mile down the road I saw several people standing in the road, waving their arms.  So I slowed down, way, way down.  Stopped, actually, when I saw two more people and about 8 cows come out of the cornfield to the left.  The cows, Holstein steers, had gotten loose from the neighbor's pasture about 1/2 mile south of me.  I ended up idling down the road well behind them, for about 5 minutes until the cattle docilely headed back to their pasture.  Unfortunately my cell phone camera didn't really pick up the cows, the spots in the road up ahead are them, plus two people herding them.

Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
I found this one while weeding the garden last week.  It seemed very drowsy, so much so that I was able to pick it up and take it's picture!

My rooster, Animal.
So named because of his abundant shaggy red hackles, reminding me of Animal from the Muppets.

This is what happens when you decided to make biscuits using the ring from a Tupperware hamburger press as a biscuit cutter! Biscuits as big as my hand! Split open and served with venison stew meat simmered into a rich gravy, one is all you need to be full.  

Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Why yes, yes she can!

The first raspberry off the canes I planted this spring.  It was delicious.

Look, a real zucchini!
Planted 2 hills round zucchini and I'm swimming in them.  Planted 4 hills 'real' zucchini and I have one, so far.  Still trying to figure out why real zucchini don't like my soil.  I'm also swimming in yellow summer squash, which are zucchini siblings.

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