Friday, June 13, 2014

Challenge #23: Make Dessert

This should be a challenge that everyone can participate in.  I can't imagine anyone out there in the wide wide world who might be reading my blog and is unable to take part in this challenge.  It's not limited to those who have children, it's not limited to a certain gender, it's not limited to those who live in rural areas. It's not limited to those who have animals, or gardening space, or crafty aspirations, or cluttered closets.  This is a challenge without prejudice, lol.

Make dessert.

There it is, in all it's glory: make dessert.  Whatever your heart desires.  Or, maybe whatever you have readily available.  Right now, for us at this little place here, it's strawberries.  We have enough strawberry preserves in the cellar to last another year or two, so I'm not so concerned with 'saving' the strawberries that ripen daily this week and next (and then that's about it for my personal strawberry season) for jam making.  Instead, we are eating our fill of them.  Strawberry smoothies.  Strawberries on my breakfast granola (yum yum yum!  and yum again!).  And of course, strawberries in desserts.  Last night was parfaits made with chocolate pudding, fresh strawberries, and freshly whipped cream.  Pure decadence!

Plus, this Sunday is Father's Day, and most people I know have some sort of special meal for their dad or their husband (ie. their children's dad) on that day.  Add dessert to that meal, and you've got this challenge wrapped up.  One of those no-brainer kind of things that you can look back on and feel a sense of accomplishment for without actually having to add in a herculean task to your all ready busy life.

Besides, who doesn't like dessert?

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