Friday, October 3, 2014

Challenge #35: Be a Mentor

From time to time, I find myself falling into a mentorship role.  Now, with DS1 and K2 moving in with us, I am entering such a time again.  So, why not challenge you to become a mentor to someone in your life?

You may have to consciously look for an opportunity to be a mentor.  Or, you may not.  You may all ready be slipping into such a role without even knowing it.  Most of the times I've found myself mentoring, it just happened.  Someone had an interest in something I do, or asked me about an experience I've had, and before I knew it, I was showing them the ropes or helping them through a situation similar to one I'd been through in the past.

Currently, K2 is looking to me for guidance in a variety of areas.  Living in the country.  Hanging clothes on the line to dry.  Cooking from scratch.  Juggling two young children. . .

I don't have to schedule a 'lesson plan' to do this kind of mentoring, I just need to go about my day-to-day activities, and be willing to answer questions or give a step-by-step explanation of what I doing and why I do it like that.

Of course there are other ways to mentor too.  Take a look around your community; most likely there are groups that look for volunteers to spend time with youth in need of attention, or someone to read to the elderly, or people interested in tutoring both child and adult students, or to teach English to immigrants.  There are also groups who look for free or low-cost speakers to come in and give talks on a variety of subjects; perhaps you have a hobby or an area of expertise that would make a great presentation.

Be a mentor.  It's not difficult.  You'll be glad you took the time.  And so will the person you mentor.  It makes a difference in their life, and yours too.

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