Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Will Work For . . . Pears?!?

My friend and neighbor has a very large, very old pear tree.  We're not sure what variety it is, but it sets large tasty pears that ripen in mid to late August.  We always know it's time to harvest the pear tree when she wakes up one morning to find a dozen or more pears on the ground.  At that point, getting the rest off the tree is top priority, because they will be overripe within a week.  These are definitely an heirloom type of pear for preserving rather than a pear that was developed for shipping long distances and selling.

For the past six years or so, I have helped her harvest the pears.  She doesn't need many for herself, as she lives alone and doesn't do any canning.  Instead, she harvests them and gives them away.  For my help, I get to keep as many pears as I want.  Some years that's more, some years that's less, but right around two bushels.

Yesterday was pear harvest day.  Probably could have been a few days earlier, but I've been out of town getting DS2 moved into his dorm at college.  So, Monday morning I loaded up the truck with baskets, and headed over to the neighbor's house to assist in the picking of the pear tree.

Two hours later, I returned home with about 2.5 bushels.

Some will be eaten fresh.  Some will be made into pear pies to sell at the farmers' market this week and next.  Most will become canned pears and pear sauce.

Will work for pears.

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