Tuesday, September 18, 2012

99 Pints of Tomatoes

On Sunday, DH and I canned up roughly a bushel of tomatoes we'd picked earlier in the week.  Came out to twenty-one quarts.  Yesterday, as I was transferring the cooled, sealed, and labeled jars from my kitchen island down to the shelves in the cellar, I did a count of how many jars of tomatoes I've put up in the last month. 36 quarts, 27 pints.  Started with pints, then ran out of jars and switched to quarts.

If you tally that up, 36 quarts equals 72 pints, so all together I have 99 pints of tomatoes in the cellar.  I do believe that is enough to last us for at least the next twelve months, so I am now done canning tomatoes as diced tomatoes.  I will use the final ones the garden produces this season to make sauce, salsa, and juice.

When I informed DH of the number of tomatoes we had on hand, he got a mischievous twinkle in his eye and began to sing "Ninety-nine pints of tomatoes in the cellar, ninety-nine pints of tomatoes. . . Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight pints of tomatoes in the cellar. . ."

Ha ha.  Funny guy.  It is a really nice feeling to know that we won't have to spend any money on buying canned tomatoes from the grocery store for a long, long time.  Such a nice feeling that I can't quite hold myself back from joining in the singing.

"Ninety-nine pints of tomatoes in the cellar, ninety-nine pints of tomatoes. . . "  :0)

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