Saturday, May 31, 2014

Just a Few Pics

I have decided I probably should start watermarking the photos that I put on my blog.  Not that they are all that wonderful, but they are all taken by me rather than 'borrowed' or used from some other source, and once in a while some come out really good.  Which is totally a fluke, I assure you, as I don't really know what I'm doing when it come to professional type photography.  Nevertheless, it's those dang good ones that I don't really want someone else stealing and claiming as their own (and possibly printing out for sale).  This all started a few months ago when I saw, online, a picture that looked amazingly identical to one DD2 had taken a few years ago of one of our barn cats.  That got me to thinking how easily the things we put online can be 'taken' from us and used maybe in a manner we wouldn't want them to be.  So, from here on out my readers will have to put up with watermarks.

Here are a couple of pictures I took in the last week that I like, and have attempted to watermark.

I don't know, I'm thinking the watermark needs to be bigger to be effective (and not easily cropped off), but I don't really want to detract from the picture, because then I'm less apt to post pictures at all.  I personally hate looking through large watermarks on photos, because my eye (and brain) is then drawn more to the words than the image.

blossoms on the flowering crabapple by the garden

Song sparrow taking a mouthful of caterpillars to its nest

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