Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Yarn Along 2016.17: New Socks

Happy sunny Wednesday!  It's a little on the cool side here today, with a breeze, but at least the sun is shining.  That's a big improvement over very grey skied yesterday, and, since we let the fire in the wood boiler go out nearly two weeks ago, cloudy days mean the house gets ch-ch-ch-chilly. (And I get cold easily, so really hate those cloudy spring days after the official end of heating season.) Sunny days are very welcome, as the passive solar heating through the windows warms the house back up to a comfortable level.  For instance, the temperature in the house slowly dropped from 68 at bedtime Monday to 61 at dawn this morning. 61 is just not cool with me.  Pun intended; it's darn cold for the interior of a house!  Now that the sun is out, the house has warmed up to 66 degrees in just six hours.  So, gotta love the sunshine!

I'm joining in with Ginny for this week's Yarn Along.

I finished DS1's jumbo vanilla latte socks last Wednesday evening. And, as expected, forgot to take a picture of them. *sigh* Do I know myself, or what?

On Thursday I cast on for Mom's Hermoine's Everyday Socks. Sock #1 is coming along well; I have completed 13 of the 18 pattern repeats in the leg.  With a trip to get DD2 from college coming up (I can hardly believe her first year of college is over!) later this week, I will have lots of car knitting time, so kind of expect to have the first sock completed before next week's Yarn Along.

Meanwhile, I have a ton of things to get done before DH and I head north to retrieve DD2 and her dorm room of stuff.  Number one being take this flamingo fabric Mom's sock is sitting on, and turn it into a pair of summer weight jammies for K3, who is having a birthday on Saturday. Guess now you know what I'll be doing this afternoon. . . ;0)

In the past week, I started, and finished Beverly Lewis's latest book The Atonement.  Like all her books, I enjoyed it, and had a hard time putting it down.  The ending was a little abrupt and I predicted the outcome.  Not to fault the author for that, I think it's just that after nearly two decades of reading her novels I've come to know her writing style and typical plot lines.

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