Monday, August 5, 2013

"Free" Way to Kill Weeds

During canning season, I have an abundance of free weed killer.

Okay, be honest, how many of you just read that sentence and went "Huh?"

What in the world does weed killer, let alone free weed killer, have to do with canning?


You see, boiling hot water poured onto weeds kills them.  Cooks them, if you want to be technical about it.  So all those tough ones that don't want to pull from between the paving blocks on my patio or sidewalk, I douse those with water from the canner once I'm done with it for the day.  It's water that was going to get poured down the drain anyway (it is also good for degreasing/opening up your drains, but you're not going to get the drain much more open with the third or fifth or tenth batch of boiling water than you did with the first).

So, why not carry it outside and cook some weeds?

In the beginning. . .

one minute after applying boiling water. . .

five minutes after applying water--cooked!

Not only is this "free" weed killer, but it is also totally non-toxic!  You don't have to worry about stepping in it and then walking on your lawn, accidentally spreading the death to things you do want to keep alive!  No residue, just water.

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