My knitting is sporadic in the summer time. Not completely stopped, but going in fits and starts as I have time. I did spend several hours in the car knitting on the way to and from DS2's concrete canoe competition last month, all of which resulted in this new sweater for K3:
Prior to that, I made these socks, which actually were the socks of the month for May at the LYS (local yarn store). I finished them right around the beginning of June, before the weeds in the garden went gonzo and ate up a lot of knitting time.
About the same time I finished the socks, I finished this infinity cowl for DD1's birthday. I had picked up the yarn back in November, at the LYS's 2nd anniversary sale (50% off, if I remember right), and planned for it to become DD1's birthday present since purple is her favorite color. The picture doesn't do the lace pattern justice, but it does accurately show the color and shine of the yarn.
Then, for all the traveling to South Carolina, and the waiting times while I was there, I brought along yarn and patterns for some dish cloths I needed to make for a dish cloth exchange I had signed up to participate in. The two I made for that are shown in the next two pictures, both of which for some reason keep wanting to load sideways--argh!
I had also brought along the pattern for a cloth I'd been wanting to make for myself for about a year. I'd tucked it into my knitting bag 'just in case' I finished the first two before returning home. As it turned out, I did finish those, and was able to do about half of this one while in SC. And K3 even helped me knit a few stitches in several of the rows! She wanted so badly to do what Grandma was doing, so I would place her hands on the needles, put my hands over hers, and guide her through 4 or 6 stitches until she got tired of that and wanted to run around again.

There is a companion pattern to the above dish cloth, which I decided to make since I still have enough of the yarn to make yet another dish cloth. I am currently 75% done knitting that pattern. Then I will move on to probably another pair of socks. I'd like to do some for myself, but I think it would probably be a good idea to get cracking on some to give as Christmas gifts. Especially since I have about four skeins of sock yarn in my stash designated as socks for specific family members.
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