Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Knitting Update, March

 Like everything else seems to anymore, February went fast.  I don't think I got as much knitting in as I had intended.  Sock #2 of the Rickrack socks I'm making as a surprise for Mother-In-Law is in the heel gusset decrease stage.  I'd kind of hoped to be grafting the toe by now. . .

But, I do like how they are turning out.  And there's not a whole lot more hours of knitting left to do and I will be working kitchener stitch on the toe, then weaving the ends where the colors got cut, and they will be officially done.

I didn't do a whole lot of reading in the past few weeks either.  I finished reading the Lager Queen of Minnesota by J Ryan Stradal, which was pretty good.  I especially liked that there was knowledgeable stuff about beer and microbrewing in the story, not just buzz words to fit into a trendy genre.  As someone who has brewed, and does know more than a little about the beer making process and chemistry, it was refreshing to read stuff that was correct.

After that, I read 101 Ways to go Zero Waste by Kathryn Kellogg, most of which was redundant as it's things we've been doing for years.  But, if you're not 50 or over, super frugal, and raised a bunch of kids on not a ton of money, there's probably lots of suggestions in it that would be new or of interest to you.

I also read Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons.  To me, it was an okay book.  Not terrible, not great, and maybe it just wasn't the right season of life for me to read and enjoy it.  I think I was just expecting it to be a little more than it was.  Or, maybe it was the three questions at the end of each chapter that were intended for personal reflection. . . kind of made it feel to me like a "read and discuss" book (sort of like high school literature class) which I never cared for and is probably the main reason I've never joined any book clubs.

Hopefully you've had copious amounts of knitting and reading time lately.  I'd love to hear any book suggestions you might have.

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