Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sewing and Stitching Update, August 2024

I decided, in late July, that I wanted to get the beading done on my Celtic Santa right away rather than waiting until closer to Christmas time to finish it.  So, on a couple of hot and humid afternoons when I was in the house out of the mid-day sun, I worked at sewing on all the little tiny beads.  Now all I have left to do is trim the perforated paper down to just barely outside the stitching, braid some of the leftover embroidery floss to make a hanger and glue on a piece of felt for the backing.

Also during hot days I spent some time down in the basement sewing area working on the Airplane Quilt.  Once all 42 planes were sewn, I couldn't wait to get them put together into rows and then the rows into a top.

While trying to take a picture indoors, I discovered I really don't have a place to 'hang' a quilt this big for photos, so I made the best of it by draping the top over a set of tall shelves plus a tall 'dresser' that sits next to the shelves.  It looks a little wonky in the picture below, but the rows really are straight, lol.  

I have the skinny white inner border strips cut and ready to sew on (we've had a cool spell lately, so I've been outside a whole lot in the past week).  Then I will need to go through my solid red fabrics used in making some of the airplanes and see if there's one that is big enough to cut the wide outer border strips from.  If not, I might play with making the border scrappy using all the reds rather than just one solid one.

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