Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sewing and Stitching, September Update

The Airplane Quilt top is now a flimsy! Meaning all the piecing is done and borders are on.

I have all the components needed to finish this quilt: backing, batting and red-white-blue variegated thread for doing the quilting.  The next several weeks are going to be quite busy, so I doubt I will actually get any part of it quilted before the October sewing and stitching update. Sandwiched and pin basted, maybe, but most likely not quilted.

A few weeks ago I grabbed the pile of worn out jeans that has been accumulating for a couple of years and cut the seams and waistbands out of them.  I would like to make DS2 and Surprise a jean quilt for their Christmas gift this year, and might finally have enough scrap denim to make one.  No way to know until I start cutting the pantlegs into the 6" squares I'll need and see how many squares I get. That's the next quilty thing on my docket.  

Other than cutting the squares from all that scrap denim, jean quilts are super fast to make.  Being heavy with all that denim, I don't put batting in them, so once the squares are cut and sewn into rows all I have to do is sew on the flannel backing, tie every other square, and the quilt is finished.  If I have enough denim, it should be no problem to whip this one from start to finish in a month's sewing time.

But before I cut denim squares, I need to make some repairs on horse turnout sheets before the weather gets to be the cold & rainy type.  So far we've had rain on warm days and our chilly Fall-like days have been dry ones, but I know before very long I'll be wanting waterproof sheets to put on horses so they don't get chilled in the cold rainy weather Michigan can have when there's a hurricane working up the eastern seaboard in late September and October.

There has been no cross-stitching done since I finished the beading of the Celtic Santa, although I am contemplating doing some small designs on perforated paper that I could make into Christmas ornaments to give to each of the grandchildren in December.  I need to put a bit more thought into that and also look at what other projects (both crafting and outdoors/homesteading) are slated for the next several months to determine if that's a feasible thing for this season or not.  I don't want to take the time to stitch those and get some done unless I am able to get all six done, if you know what I mean.  It's an all-or-nothing task.  Not that Sixlet will know if he misses out this year, but Buck will.  And Faline most definitely will.  That girl is about the most detail oriented three year old I've ever known (except maybe myself but I don't remember things from when I was three.  Four years old, yes.  Three years old, no.)

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