Monday, November 28, 2011

The Deer Disappear Again

The second week of deer season.  More hunting, only now I can only go out in the evenings because I have to work in the mornings.  DH is on his third week of vacation, so still hunts twice a day.  But the deer have again disappeared.  We're both so glad he was able to get one on day seven.  It's not a lot of meat in the freezer, only about 50 pounds or so, but it's better than nothing.

I'm armed with the camera again, taking pictures of everything except deer.


There are apple trees scattered all through our woods, and near the SE stand, is very tall thin one.  Way at the top, 25+ feet up, were some apples still on the tree.  The squirrels were running up nearby trees that were taller, then leaning down to pluck apples off the apple tree.  They couldn't seem to go up the apple tree itself that far; the branches would move and bend too much for the squirrels to be able to get to the apples on the ends.  Then the squirrels would run down to ground level with an apple in their mouth before eating it, or the apple would fall to the ground and they'd run down to retrieve it.


Apparently woodpeckers like apples too.  I was able to watch one eat an apple that was still on the tree.  Bet the squirrels are jealous.

Water that I have to wade through (about 45 feet worth) since it rained a whole bunch the other day.  I could go the long way around, through the field, but that would add lots of mud to the bottoms of my boots, which would then fall off as it dried.  Chunks of mud falling from a tree stand to the leaves below isn't exactly quiet; and quiet is what you want to be while hunting.  So, I wade.  Waterproof boots: a must for hunting.

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