Monday, November 14, 2011

Twas the Night Before Deer Season

(My apologies in advance for the bad poetry.)    :0)  

Twas the night before deer season and all through the house,
Every creature was stirring, except the field mouse
(that the cat killed and ate earlier that day.)

The guns were sighted in,
and lined up with care,
in hopes that in the morning,
an enormous buck would fill the crosshairs.

The tree stands were hung,
and shooting lanes cut,
cammies, hats, gloves,
and warm socks tallied up.

Licenses purchased,
snacks loaded in pockets,
alarm clocks set,
fingers itching to pick up a gun and cock it.

DH in his sleep shorts,
and I in my nightie,
tried to go to bed early
so we could be in our stands well before first lightie.

We closed our eyes,
and said our prayers,
for safe hunting
and lots of big deers.

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