Sunday, December 4, 2011

Of Course! (deer hunting)

Firearm deer season ended with November.  Muzzle loading season started the second day of December.  DH has been so busy working all week (and prepping for a work-related trip), that he wasn't able to get out in the woods to hunt until Saturday morning. 

He had spent nearly 4 hours in the woods, not seeing anything come close enough to shoot (good news--we have snow cover and the deer are returning).  After returning to the house, eating a late breakfast, and doing some work-related stuff on the computer (GRRR from the wife who's patience is wearing thin in regards to the demands of his job), he looks out the window to see this:

A nice 4-point, a mere 300 yards from the dining room.  (Sorry for the less than sharp pictures, the camera was at the extent of it's zoom capabilities, and being held freehand vs tripod).

To add insult to injury, this is what happened next:

Yes, that is a second buck, also appearing to be a 4-point.  And they are sparring.  DH is wishing he'd stayed in the woods a few hours longer. . .

And then:

Yep, a third buck, larger, possibly a 6-point, joined the party.  DH ran down to 'hunting camp' (the corner of the basement with the walkout), threw on his bibs, boots and coat, grabbed his muzzle loader, and away he went. 

At which time I lost sight of the deer because they had decided to go back into the woods.  

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