Sunday, January 12, 2014

Winter Sucks Again

This time last week, it was snowing and blowing (literally, near white-out conditions) and the temperature was plummeting well below freezing.  I loved it!  Now that is what winter in Michigan is supposed to be like.

This weekend, the weather went the opposite way.  Temperatures soared to nearly 40 degrees.  The snow evaporated, melted, and otherwise generally disappeared.  Not that it's totally gone, but anywhere windswept or plowed is now grass and mud again.  Looks more like March than January.  And I'm hating it.  The damp chill is back.  The temperature might be 40 degrees higher (we won't even factor in those -20 and -30 degree wind chills), but I'm a whole lot colder than I was a week ago.

So, despite our 'wonderful' weather--as most people I know in this part of Michigan are calling it today--I have spent most of the weekend in the house.  All the Christmas stuff has been taken down and packed away until next Advent season.  I baked our weekly bread.  I made a batch of cookies.  I sewed together a ragged denim quilt that a friend and I are collaborating on (she wanted one, but doesn't sew.  I volunteered to sew it if she would cut out all the pieces needed, and she is also doing the ragging). I cast on for a new pair of socks in a pattern I'd been thinking of since last summer.

Maybe this weather doesn't totally suck.  I mean, looking at the above paragraph I've obviously gotten a lot accomplished.  But I sure wish we could get below freezing and stay there for a few months, complete with knee-deep snow cover, like we are supposed to.  Those kind of conditions sure make outdoor activities a whole lot more possible in the winter.  Sledding, skiing, ice skating, snowmobiling, snow shoeing, ice fishing. . . Things you can't do in slush, or on mud, or on spongy ice from temperatures fluctuating in and out of the forties every five to seven days or so.

top of denim quilt, seam side up for ragging

quilt showing flannel backing

toe and four pattern repeats on Waterfall socks 

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