So much to do, so little time! Here it is (a day past) time for a knitting update, and I don't think I've even touched my knitting needles in a week! I have gotten the vast majority of the 1/4 acre garden planted though, so that counts for something, right?
Since the May knitting update, I finished my
early spring shorty socks. The picture doesn't do the yarn justice. Think Crayola crayon green. The green in the simple 8 pack of crayons, and that's the shade of these socks. My favorite color.
I love the color. Love the pattern, even love the (new technique to me) short row heel--it was definitely smoother on the second sock than on the first. What I don't love is that these are short shorty socks. Barely covers what my tennis shoe touches. Definitely shorter than what I like, even in an ankle sock. In the future, I'll knit an extra inch or so before starting the heel compared to what the pattern calls for.

Next up on, and off, the needles, was a pair of
Have a Heart Valentine socks for K3. You see, next month, DH and I are taking K3 and Toad on a vacation that will include lots of rugged terrain and hiking. Since all she has is thin cutesy ankle socks, I decided to knit her a pair of nice wool hiking socks. Not too tall though, just tall enough to work with shoes/boots that are tall enough to have ankle support. Pattern was free, and yarn was 'free' too, being leftover sock yarn from past projects. Bonus: the blue self-striping yarn is yarn that she'd admired when I was knitting with it last year, so I know she's going to love these socks.

Currently on the needles, and needing to be done before June is over, is a pair of hiking socks for Toad. Can't very well give his sister special vacation socks and not have some for him too! Plus, I doubt he has any good durable socks with cushion for hiking either. Not really using a pattern for this one, just same stitch count as K3's, all in stockinette, and using some Opal yarn leftover from making socks for DS1 (their dad) several years ago. So. . . more free socks!
Sock #1 is nearly done, just have the toe decreases to go. Sock #2 won't take long, once I actually sit down long enough to knit it.
I haven't been good with reading in the past month, either. I did enjoy
The Late Bloomer's Club, like I thought I would. I hope this author writes more books. Other than that, I haven't finished, or even gotten halfway through another book. Maybe because I have three going at once:
--given to me by Faline's other grandma when she was done reading it, and kept in my bag for reading while Faline napped:
Love in a Nutshell by Janet Evanovich and Dorien Kelly. I have to admit, I'm a little distracted by similarities in storyline to another mystery series I've read regarding a microbrewery. . . hoping to stick it out and finish this book even though I'm done babysitting Faline for the summer. But, no promises, as I've got more interesting reads going on.
--from the library (actually had a request for last year, and was 2nd on the hold list when the book was purchased, then first person must not have returned it or something, because it was listed as due in January to person #1 with 5 more holds after that, then still on my hold list but not actually found in the library catalog for 4 months, then suddenly I got an email that it was available for pickup?!?):
Horse Brain, Human Brain; the Neuroscience of Horsemanship by Janet Jones, PhD. This has been my main reading focus for the past week since I received it from the library. So far, a lot of the content I all ready knew, but there have been some interesting added details to a few things. I'm going to read just this book for the next week in an attempt to finish it before it's due back at the library on the 10th.