Monday, November 14, 2022

A Wedding!

 This past June, DS2 and Surprise finally tied the knot.  They had been engaged to be married in the summer of 2019, but there were some last minute cold feet (greatly created by some family issues and pressure on Surprise's side).  

Then Covid came.  

And somewhere after the first six months of that, they decided to separate for a year in order to assess the future of their relationship.  After that year was up, they were pretty dang sure they really did want to get married.  

So, in September 2021, they got engaged again, with the intent to not get lost in wedding planning craziness and stick to their guns about what they wanted their wedding and reception to be like.

In fact, from our point of view, it seemed there wasn't much wedding planning going on.  At Thanksgiving, when asked, they said they had not yet chosen a date.  Or, really, anything wedding related. 

At Christmas, the same story.  

But suddenly, at Easter, they had a date: June 11th!  And a church! And maybe (fingers crossed) a venue for the reception.

They wanted a smaller, simpler wedding than the original one had been turning into. They wanted to do it 100% on their own, no financial assistance from either side. All they wanted family to do was to please show up.

Show up we did!  Unfortunately there wasn't a full family photo taken of us on their special day, but (with the exception of K2, who didn't feel well) we all turned out to support them and witness the ceremony and attend the reception.  Faline danced her little legs off; boy, the photographers loved her. I can't imagine how much video footage there was of her, probably almost as much as there was of the bride.  

The camera on my phone absolutely hated the indoor lighting, so all I have at this point are some really crappy pictures to mark the occasion.  I'm hoping that DS2 and Surprise will either share digital copies of the pictures the photographers took, or will have a few printed for me.

Bride and Groom with groom's grandparents.

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