Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Knitting Update, November

My Traveling Woman shawl is finished!  (Except for the blocking). Boy, am I glad I did stripes, otherwise I would have been sweating it playing yarn chicken for sure. Plus, I like the effect they make.

I really like this shawl (and so does Rascal, who wanted me to wrap him up in it when he saw that it was off my needles.)  I think I'm going to like it even more after it's blocked and the lace opens up a bit and is more pronounced.

Truer to actual colors.

After working on that through the whole summer, I am a little at a loss for what to knit next.  Being November is here all ready, I feel like I should cast on for Christmas knits.  To be honest, though, I don't have any knit gifts planned.  A few quickie sewing things for the grandkids, but no knits.

I have been wanting an ear warmer for myself, for when it's not so cold that I want a hat, but I do want to keep my ears from freezing. So I downloaded the pattern for the cozy cable knitted warmer and made one for myself out of some bulky yarn that's been in my stash a few years.  Only once I was done with it, I realized that, being purple, DD1 would probably love to have it.  Luckily, there was plenty of yarn left on the skein, so I knit a second one for her.  And there was still a bit of yarn left, so I knit one for Faline (who is really into being like Mommy or like  Daddy, depending on the day).  I ended up with three completed ear warmers and only about 9" of yarn to spare!

warm ears for Faline, DD1 and myself

It didn't take long at all to make the ear warmers; maybe three short evenings of TV watching.  And now I'm again wondering what's the best thing to cast on next??  

--An afghan that's been on my list for a while (and could be a present to someone in 2024)?  

--A pair of socks (although I know my mom is going to be requesting socks for herself, made with yarn she has chosen, for February)?

--Some extra hats to have on hand for grandkids this winter?  

--Some dishcloths to replenish my dwindling stock?

Changing the subject from knitting to reading, I've apparently not read much recently.  I didn't finish the Rick Rubin book I listed last month, although I did read Meet the Frugalwoods all the way through. 

Right now I'm about halfway through Mocha, She Wrote by Ellie Alexander.  Overall, I'm enjoying the storyline.  There are some typographical/editorial errors that I've noticed though, and that's something that detracts from my opinion of the book.  Nothing huge, just a pet peeve of mine.

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