Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Whole Lotta Color Around Here

 In May, I took a whole lot of pictures with the intent of sharing them here.  And then I had a whole bunch of issues with getting said pictures uploaded to the blog.  And, I have to admit, it was a really busy Spring and I didn't get online much to work on posts.  

All of which means that now, in July, officially Summer, you get to see Spring pictures of flowers that are all done blooming.  On the upside; in the last couple of weeks I've been getting lots of emails for ordering tulips and irises to plant for next Spring, so if you see something you like--and I correctly recalled the name of it--now's apparently the time to shop for these flowers.




Blue Aimable


(lost my notes on variety)

Red Masterpiece

Raven Girl

(peachy that I can't remember name)


(lavender that was given to me nameless)

(another lost notes one)

Dracula's Kiss (I think)

a white variety given to me decades ago

Surprisingly, as in the nearly 21 years we've lived here we haven't seen them due to the aurora borealis not getting this far south, or if it did, our weather was totally cloudy at the time, we were able to see the Northern Lights. Not only did we see them, they were the best any of us had ever seen.  So bright, lasting for nearly an hour, and so many different colors from green to red to pink and purple.  It was a spectacular light show watched right from our deck. 

The picture below is actually my favorite one I took that night.  It was taken from the yard behind the garage, facing south, but there's still some visible northern lights.  And, if you look closely you can see DH's silhouette and the little light from his cell phone camera as he's trying to take a picture to the north.

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