Friday, July 5, 2024

Knitting Update, July

(Apparently I didn't have this scheduled to post on Wednesday like I thought I had.  Better late than never!)

Well, I didn't get sock #1 of my Churfirsten socks finished.  Lots of things happened in June, including a death in the extended family that required lots of changes for DH and I for about two weeks, both helping Mother-in-Law while her long time friend was in the hospital/hospice care and traveling up north to attend the funeral.  

I did, afterwards, get the foot knit on the sock, though, so only have to do the toe decreases.  Need to pick up the pace so I can (maybe) get the second sock knit before the middle of August.  That's the timeline I have set in place for beginning Sixlet's Christmas stocking so that it's finished by Thanksgiving.  

So far, Sixlet has auburn hair that wants to curl in the humidity.

There wasn't a whole lot of reading going on in June, although I did finish The 8:55 to Baghdad by Andrew Eames.  It was interesting in a history of the Middle East kind of way, although it wasn't quite so much about Agatha Christie as I had originally thought it would be.

I also read Begin Again by Helly Acton.  I really liked this book and found it hard to put down.  In a way, it reminded me of Cecilia Ahern's fantastical novels.  

This week I began reading Bake, Borrow and Steal by Ellie Alexander.

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