Friday, January 18, 2019

Random Thoughts, Food and a Picture! Jan. 18th

I've been wanting to blog more for a while now, but between normal life and the things life randomly throws at me that are abnormal (LOL), I haven't quite gotten to post as regularly as I intend.  Amongst all the holiday craziness, I did from time to time conduct some 'blog research'--as in, went looking for other blogs to read in addition to the few I frequent (many of whom also seem to post less and less. . .).

Instead of helping me to organize my thoughts and create more frequent posts, these recon expeditions into the current blog world have me scratching my head. I've noticed a few common themes, like posting your weekly menu, or blogs that are lists upon list of suggestions for bettering yourself or your looks or your wardrobe or your sleep or your home.  But not too many that appeal to me as real-life anecdotes or discussions by people like me. 

My aim has never been to sell stuff via my blog (sorry, no binders of how to declutter, or de-stress, or organize your life).  My aim has never been to impress people (sorry, no fancy photos of gourmet meals, grandiose trips, fashion, or reveals of trendy home makeovers).  No lists of what I've been Kindle-ing (I don't own an e-reader and don't intend to).

What you get here, what you've always gotten here, is me, plain and simple, and not too glamorous.  You get happenings at this little place here where we raised four kids and a large portion of our own food.  You get to read about cutting wood, and weeding the garden, and repairing the tractor/suburban/house. You get my opinion on stuff, but typically not political or other hot button topics.  You get chicken pictures as well as recipes that sometimes feature those very same chickens.  You get pictures of things I knit, things I sew, things I grow.  And photos where I've covered up the faces of people so that their privacy is somewhat kept.

I guess looking at what other bloggers are talking about hasn't given me topics for more posts.  It's kind of made me a bit more random.  Such as this post you are reading right now.  Maybe I don't need to have a planner with post topics mapped out and scheduled to publish on certain days of the week. Maybe I should just pop in more often and share with my readers what's going on in my little piece of the world, and in my head.  Even if it's totally random.  And probably more than a little un-exciting.

So here goes:

Random thought #1:  What is up with language these days?!?  Even in our writing.  Do we really need to cuss so much and use acronyms for salty phrases that everyone reads as the words that should be edited out?  Can't we dig out our thesauruses and expand our vocabulary instead of shrinking it?  Can't we be livid instead of mad "As F***"?  How about apoplectic?  Incensed?  And unless you are of the genus Canidae, I can't quite see calling you by the terminology for a female dog, even if you are a good friend, even if it's all in fun and (maybe? do they use it that way?) a compliment.

Random thought #2: Does everyone really like painted furniture?  I know it's way easier to slap a coat of paint on something wooden instead of taking time and skill to strip old stain, repair scuff marks, and apply a new stain and sealant.  But should we?  And can you truly say a dresser or sideboard is antique if you painted over it?!?  Doesn't painting it kill it's value as an artifact from another time period?

Random thought #3: Along the same lines as RT#2, what is up with all the white?  It seems like every thing I find on decorating lately, the walls are white. The trim work is white.  The furniture is white.  The drapes are white. The carpet/rugs are white.  WHITE?!?  Do you not have kids, pets, or live where people spend part of their time out of doors?  White?  Are you kidding me?  Not only is it hard to keep clean, it's just obnoxiously antiseptic to look at.  The only time the earth is white, white and nothing but white is during a blizzard.  And not too many people rush out into a blizzard to joy in the whiteness of everything.

Random thought #4: I don't really care to see what people ordered from Amazon this month. Or what they are binge-watching on Netflix (seriously? Binge-watching?  Let me send you some chores to do with your time).  Or what they are Instagram-ing.  Or what they are pinning on Pinterest.  Tell me real-life stuff.  Stuff that matters.  Stuff that can benefit someone in lasting ways.

Now, I do kind of like seeing what other people's menus are.  It gives me a little inspiration to switch up my own dinner line-up now and then. In case you are wondering, this week for dinner I cooked:

  • oven-fried chicken leg quarters with mashed potatoes and creamed corn, 
  • scalloped potatoes and ham with green beans, 
  • husband's delight (kind of a lasagna knock-off with egg noodles),
  •  taco salad, 
  • and glazed pork chops with mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).
We went out to eat on Sunday (using a gift certificate I received as a Christmas present), and I'm not totally decided on what tomorrow's dinner will be.  Homemade chicken soup, perhaps.  I still have several chicken carcasses (from where I cut off leg quarters and breasts after butchering) in the freezer waiting to be made into soup.

What I'd really like is some ideas of quick to cook (so I don't have to get up pre-five-thirty a.m. to make breakfast that will get served by 6:30) but not carb overloaded breakfasts.  I can only eat eggs so many days a week before I'd rather skip breakfast than eat another egg.  Sausage never agrees with my stomach, (except as very small pieces in biscuits and gravy, most of which I try to leave in the gravy for DH) so any type of breakfast sausage dish is out.  Also never could deal with the texture of hot cereals such as oatmeal or cream of wheat. . . As a kid I'd starve rather than try to force them down my throat without them coming right back up again.

What do I like to see on blogs?  Stories of every day life.  Stories of homemade/frugally done DIY projects and festivities.  Stuff about animal husbandry.  Stuff about gardening. Craft tutorials for things that are useful and will last a long time rather than be the trendy tchotchke of the moment. Pictures that people take.  Doesn't have to be professional quality as long as it's not too dark or blurry to tell what the picture is of.  It's nice just to see pictures of things other people have made, or experienced, or seen from their front porch.

Here's a picture I took on my camera this week.  I pulled out of the cedar chest a quilt DH's grandmother had made for us in 1991, and decided to wash it up and put it on the bed that is now considered the guest bed since (hopefully) DD2 will have a full time job somewhere and not return home to live after she graduates from college this Spring.  It hasn't fit our own bed since we got a king-sized mattress back in 2000.  It's nice to see that quilt in use again.

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