Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Yarn Along: May

Happy May Day!  Things are really turning green at this little place here.  Mostly due to all the moisture we've had recently, whether rain or (gasp!) snow.  Currently it's raining again.

I am joining Ginny today for this month's Yarn Along.

Since the last yarn along, I finished the Lace Wings socks I was knitting for DD1. 

My Nurmilintu shawl is really coming along.  In fact, I'm on the last lace section of the pattern and trying to judge if I have enough yarn left to attempt another repeat of the garter and lace sections or if I should just go ahead with the picot bind off.  In a way I'm anxious to get this off the needles and blocked so I can wear it, but in another way I'm thinking I'd like it even more if it were a tad longer.  Decisions, decisions. . .

Once DD1's socks were off the needles, I just could not wait to cast on another pair of socks.  So I did.  :0)  This next pair will be for Honorary Son (I'm in a whole "handknit birthday presents for 2019" kinda mode) and I'm using the Riff pattern for them.  He's a musician, so Riff just seemed right for him.  Plus, he actually likes wild socks so I know I can get away with doing more than a plain ribbed or stockinette sock.  Riff is a simple pattern to follow (and yes, it's toe up which I have avoided since making a pair or two in this technique way back when I first started knitting), just a little fiddly with the twisted stitches.  I do like the result though.

note the mismatched needles
I apparently need to purchase a new set of 2.50mm because I no longer have a full set in wood (mine) or the old (white) rubbery plastic that used to belong to DH's grandmother

In April, I read a couple of books.  I'm almost done with a third, so I'm going to mention it now rather than waiting until June's yarn along.

The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis.  This is her latest Amish novel, and was pretty good. The book ends with a plot twist, and I'm now anxiously awaiting the next one (looks like this is book one of a new two or three book series) due out this fall.

The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed By Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold.  Non-fiction, but not at all dry.  I felt it was very well researched and the lives of the women were well told in context of the time and their socio-economic status.  Thought provoking in the parallels to lifestyle choices in today's society.

The one I am nearly finished with (could have wrapped it up last night, but I was afraid I might have nightmares!) is Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo.  With the exception of a little more graphic violence than I care to read about, I am loving this book.  It's a murder mystery that is also very psychological thriller (it's that part that's the 'could produce a nightmare' issue).  I love a good mystery, not so fond of graphic writing of a thriller.  I have the feeling, though, that I will pick up and read more by this author.  Maybe skimming through the 'too violent' parts.

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