Thursday, February 27, 2020

Quality Time

DH and I spent some relaxing time together on Sunday afternoon.  The sun was out, the wind was not, and it was just a beautiful day to get outside.  So we did.  We went to the woods and cut (DH) and stacked (me) some fallen trees and widowmakers.  This probably isn't what most couples would call quality time, but for us, it was perfect.  DH loves cutting wood.  And I really don't mind helping out with that task, as long as I'm not behind on my own tasks. 

So, we went to the woods and spent over an hour working together, assessing leaning and hung up trees (the widowmakers) and discussing which way each would fall once DH started cutting it.  He's really good at aiming trees as he cuts, and I'm getting better in my knowledge and input ability in that area.  For stacking, we relied on my expertise in the area of how that part of the woods floods for about two months every spring and where the woodpiles should be located in order to not be partially submerged--which way the water flows and what is actually the high and dry ground.

What do you think of when you look at this picture?
I think of firewood, of heat, of a cozy house in winter.

One fallen tree cut; many to go.

Fresh sawdust on snow;
can you see where the tree used to lie?

A fresh stack

Now, I'm guessing the majority of women wouldn't count going out to cut and stack firewood as quality time with their husband.  But I do.  If there's a task that you both enjoy doing, go do it together.  That's what quality time is all about: a shared enjoyable experience.  It doesn't have to mean spending money or even leaving home.

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