As is typical this time of year, my knitting time has been cut way back. I managed to finish the Christmas stocking (#1 of 3), with the exception of the embellishments (icord hanger, stitching a bow on each wreath, finding a star button to sew onto the top of the tree) that I will do all at once when I have the other two stockings knit. No picture to show, because I forgot and it's all ready tucked away upstairs.
Rather than start stocking #2 right away, I've been concentrating on my pair of Early Spring shorty socks. Sock #1 is done, and Sock #2 is about 75% finished--I only need to do about 24 more rows on the foot and then knit the toe. Hoping to have that off the needles by this weekend.
I learned a new technique on these socks: the German short row heel. I may actually like this more than a gusset heel (which is my go-to heel treatment). I definitely love it a million times more than the wrap and turn heel.
Last month, I finally finished Dressage Riding by Watjen! Before I'd gotten to the last few chapters, I knew that I wanted to make a goal to always be reading a dressage-related book this year. So as soon as I finished reading Watjen, I picked up Four Legs Move My Soul by Isabell Werth and Evi Simeoni. That will be my slow reading horsey book for the next couple of months.
As far as fiction reading goes, I read Lisa Wingate's newest (I think, it was published a year ago. . . ) novel The Book of Lost Friends. It read very quickly, for the most part being engaging and hard to put down.
My current fiction read, just started over the weekend, is The Late Bloomers Club by Louise Miller. I read her debut novel a couple of years ago, and really enjoyed it, so I'm hoping this second book is just as good.
Book of Lost Friends was very good. I shared my copy. I thought I read the late bloomers too but can't find it on my list so maybe not. Thanks for sharing