Monday, March 13, 2023

Yarn Thief, the Mighty Sheet Hunter

 There's a game the Yarn Thief and I play each week when I change the sheets on my bed. For some reason, she loves it when I take the old sheets off and put the new sheets on.  She watches, with huge eyes and a swishing tail, as I strip the bed.

Then, as soon as I grab the clean fitted sheet and start to unfold it, she leaps onto the bed and starts grabbing at the corners. Often times, I manage to get the sheet unfolded and spread out onto the bed, then tuck in the corners without encountering a claw.  Other times, there's blood shed.

Typically, the Yarn Thief ends up between the fitted sheet and the mattress.  She'll sit there, an unmoving lump, until she hears me step away to get the top sheet. Before I can start unfolding the top sheet, she shimmies herself, under the fitted sheet, to one edge of the bed and pops out onto the floor. Where she readies to spring into action for battle with the top sheet as I try to smooth it out onto the bed.

After that, it's a race to see if I can get the top sheet centered, smoothed, and tucked in without her claws finding my fingertips.   Some times I win.  Other times, I try not to bleed on the clean sheets.

Repeat with the blanket, but not the quilt, as that one is heavier and doesn't lend itself to being shifted into crookedness by her paws.  She does, however, like to be made into the bed and will sit under the quilt until she hears me walking out of the room.  At which point she will crawl out from under the quilt and settle herself on top of it for a nap.

Until next week, when the game starts again.

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