Sunday, October 15, 2023

Weekend Girl Time

 This week, I found out that the local quilt guild was having a show at the country fairgrounds.  It was going to be held indoors, and, since the weather forecast was for rain, rain, and more rain, I knew DH and I wouldn't be working on any outdoor projects. Which left my weekend looking like a bunch of catching up on housework. So, I invited DD1 and DD2 to go to the quilt show with me.  I'd never been to one, but had seen pictures other people posted of quilt shows they'd visited and thought it sounded like an interesting way to spend a few hours. Definitely more fun than housework.

DD2 was busy all weekend, so she was unable to tag along. However, DD1 and Faline were both interested and available.  

I have to say, a quilt show and a nearly three year old aren't the most compatible things.  With some creative thinking, we were able to (mostly) keep Faline both engaged and contained.  Sometimes we did have to duck off to the side and let her do some running/hopping/skipping to expend excess energy. But, other times we told her to look at the quilts and tell us which ones she liked and we would take her picture standing by the quilt.  And, when she got hangry and wasn't too interested in getting her picture taken I told her that I had some lemon crackers in my purse, but she had to ride in the stroller if she wanted to eat them.  Once she was seated in the stroller I doled out the crackers one at a time, one per aisle of quilts, until we'd been able to see them all.  We did skip the shopping area, as I didn't need to buy more stuff (*ahem* I just got an order of fabric last week and might have ordered a few templates earlier this weekend).

Some of Faline's favorites: 

The first one she liked for a picture.

Feeling cheesy

Getting hangry and committing the mortal sin of touching the quilt.
She went into the stroller right after this and was given the first cracker.

I loved looking at the different patterns and construction techniques. Some I appreciated the time and skill that went into the quilt, but either the color combos or the busy-ness didn't appeal to me.  Others I liked a lot and voted for on the ballot that all guests were given at the entrance.

Some, I took pictures of so I could remember that I might want to make a similar quilt myself sometime in the future:

Done in batiks, makes me think of stained glass.

Very calming, yet stars.
I think I like star quilts.

A neat use of drunkards path blocks, 
I like how this one is done.

Ohio Stars
Again, stars.❤

Sampler set on point. 
I love the black sashing and setting triangles with the white in the blocks.
Also love the batik border diamonds.

My mother in law is a quilter, and she frequently does quilts that are partially embroidered with cross stitches.  She has made one for each of her grandchildren. Unfortunately, while the quilts are made with love and her grandkids see that, they often don't use the quilts because of the colors she chooses or the odd fabric choices she went with.  There were several quilts at the show that had cross stitches on them, and DD1 commented that she would love it if her grandma made one like that.  I quote: "This is Grandma's potential, but she never quite reaches it."

An embroidered quilt that DD1 wishes her grandma would make.
(As she said, she would actually use a quilt that looked like that.  She has one that is a different design as well as colored in what she calls "ketchup and mustard" and has squares of fabrics in those colors, including a fabric of mushrooms.)

Close up of the cross stitches

All in all, we only spent about an hour and a half at the quilt show, although I'm sure Faline felt like it was at least twice that long.  I was happy we went, DD1 enjoyed looking at the quilts (and was amazed at the prices on some of the ones that were for sale--she has a new appreciation for the ones I've made her/her kids).  I'm pretty sure Faline's favorite part was walking back to where we'd parked; she splashed in every puddle on the way, absolutely soaking her shoes.

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