Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Sneaky Hens

 Being Spring, my hens have been laying eggs like crazy.  Way more eggs than I can use in a week.  I need to get an 'eggs for sale' sign put up at the end of my driveway and figure out a creative wording to use on the nearby community Facebook pages so that I can advertise my eggs without getting a slap on the wrist from the FB censors for selling animal products (apparently violates their policy).

The week before last, however, I noticed a sudden decrease in the number of eggs I was collecting every day.  It went from 9-11 eggs daily to a range of 6-8.  Hmm.  They've got food, they've got water, they seem healthy, why suddenly are 1/3 of them not laying?

Turns out they were laying.  They'd just discovered a way to hide them from me.  Instead of laying them in the six nest boxes I provide in their coop, they were being sneaky and going underneath the tier of nest boxes and behind the extra bags of wood shavings  and bin of hay chaff (for rebedding nest boxes) I store there.

Because when I pulled all that stuff out last week while giving the coop a good Spring cleaning, I found not just a handful of 'missing' eggs, but TWENTY-NINE of them!!

Darn sneaky hens.

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