Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Knitting Update, May


I haven't done much knitting lately in the past month.  The reality is that I have done some lately, as in the past week.  I've gotten the leg part of my Churfirsten sock done, all couple inches of it since this is destined to be an ankle sock, and am about 10 of 30 rows into the heel portion.  

This is the season of long daylight and much to do outside, so it will probably take me until Fall to get two short socks knit.  And that's okay.  No deadline.  If they're not ready to wear with shorts during the hot weather part of the year, they are great to wear to bed on a chilly winter's night.

I have managed to read several books since April's knitting/reading update.  I finished The Tattered Quilt, which was okay (not spectacular but finish-able).  Then I cruised right through Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet (chic lit, and pretty good) as well as An Evil Heart  by Linda Castillo (another Kate Burkholder mystery, can't possibly go wrong with this one).  After that I read Growing Season by Melanie Lagerschulte which I was so-so on; it had potential but was kind of trite and never quite got to what I felt it could be.  Most recently read was The Secret of Snow by Viola Shipman which was a good book.  

One I've been trying to read and am not really getting into--I started it 10 days ago, spent 5 days trying to get through about 50 pages but it was so just not capturing me, then I put it down and read a different book start to finish and just picked it up again for another try is The Waters by Bonnie Jo Campbell.  I'm not sure if it's the characters or the author's writing style, but I just can't quite fall into it and I'm kind of thinking it's one I'm just going to decide not to finish.

For the month of May, I'm going to try to just read books that I have at this little place here (rather than books borrowed from the library).  I want to get through some of my stack and have several books read so I can take them to the local book swap this Fall.

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