Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lilacs in August?!?

 In early August, the leaves on my lilac bushes started to turn brown and curl up.  By the middle of August, they had all fallen off.  Then, a week or so later, I noticed little green buds forming on the tips of the branches.

And this past week, the lilacs began to bloom!

Never in my 52 years of life have I seen lilacs bloom in August.  They always bloom in May.  Then they are done for the year. But, there they were, right in front of me, indisputably flowers on my lilac bushes.

Apparently, it is possible for lilacs to bloom more than once in a year.  If they lose their leaves due to extreme stress (typically drought, bugs or disease), and they can and do rebloom.  We definitely have not had a drought this summer; this has been a crazy good season for regular and abundant rain.  Must have been either bugs I didn't see, or an airborne virus.

Huh.  Learn something new everyday.  And to be walking around in August heat and humidity while smelling the lovely unmistakably Spring scent of lilacs is quite a strange experience.

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